Sunday, January 21, 2007

[Chaptzem Blog!] 1/21/2007 12:32:00 PM

Kiryas Joel's leaders enjoy newfound ties with Democrats

Since hooking their wagon to the victorious Democratic train in November, Kiryas Joel's formerly Republican leaders have been on an extended schmooze­fest with their new friends in high office in Albany and Washington.
They made all the parties – Gov. Eliot Spitzer's first State of the State address, swearing-in ceremonies for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton D-N.Y., and Rep. John Hall, D-Dover Plains, their new congressman.
Many important backs were slapped (Spitzer, Hall, Bill Clinton, Sen. Chuck Schumer) and laughs exchanged, judging from schmooze shots posted on the Internet.
The networking continues today with a breakfast in New York City being held to honor another Democrat, Charles Rangel, the longtime Harlem congressman who has just become chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.
Kiryas Joel joins three New York City-based Jewish organizations in co-sponsoring the 9 a.m. event. The invitation calls Rangel "a long-standing friend and advocate of the Jewish community for over three decades."

Posted by Chaptzem to Chaptzem Blog! at 1/21/2007 12:32:00 PM