The Frum community and the Hamodia
While many of you either agree with the points that I have made in my last Hamodia post, or have at least kept an open mind and have, first thought and then, disagreed, others chose to dismiss everything without any thought or reason. This is very reflective of the attitude exhibited at the Hamodia newspaper. The lack of open-mindedness, backbone or opinion is not a plus in journalism. It goes against all the principles of Frumkeit and journalism and subsequently is also a perfect deterrent for readership. Since when is it a problem for a Frum person to express an opinion about everyday life-issues, political issues or the issues that face the Frum world today? Why is it that when we finally have a newspaper on the stands instead of accommodating our readers, we betray them by not being honest in its pages?
So who is reading the Hamodia? The Kollel Yingerleit, that's who. So now, if you subscribe to the Hamodia viewpoint, ask yourself, what are we accomplishing with the Hamodia? Do Kollel Yingerleit need to read newspapers? Why are we printing a newspaper that is geared towards Kollel Yingerleit? Shouldn't they have no need for newspapers at all?
There is a reason why no real businessman will stop reading the New York Times and start reading the Hamodia. Because it doesn't give them what they need. You give the Frum Lawyer, the Frum real estate guy, the Frum stock trader what he he wants and he'll drop the Times in a heartbeat. Why not give it to them?
In closing, the Hamodia sells itself short by avoiding any issue that may have positive impact on the Frum community and can affect major positive change. The Hamodia editors, a microcosm of the Frum community, make the mistake of closing their mind to ideas and merely strive for mediocrity.
If we want better, we have to demand better!
Posted By Chaptzem to Chaptzem Blog! at 2/13/2007 08:33:00 AM