Tuesday, May 1, 2007

[Chaptzem Blog!] 5/01/2007 08:24:00 PM

750-student yeshiva proposed for New Hempstead

A proposed yeshiva for 750 students will be reviewed tomorrow night by the village's Community Design Commission.

The plan is for a 71,304-square-foot building at the southeast corner of Grandview Avenue and Route 306.

Developers for the Bais Malka School will seek variances from village codes, particularly for parking.

The village code requires 273 parking spaces; the project provides 53 spaces.

Paul Savad, a Nanuet attorney representing the yeshiva, said parking wouldn't be an issue because it was an Hasidic girls school.

Most of the staff will be Hasidic women, whom Savad said didn't drive. They will use a jitney service and the students would use buses.

The meeting will be at 8 p.m. in Village Hall, 108 Old Schoolhouse Road.

Read more about this story tomorrow in The Journal News.


Posted By Chaptzem to Chaptzem Blog! at 5/01/2007 08:24:00 PM